Designing AI vs AI in Design

Zeynep Aykul Yavuz
3 min readMar 1, 2023

As designers, we are trusting the human-centered design approach to understand the wicked problem we want to solve and develop the solution. We involve users and stakeholders on different scales. Without designing AI without a human-centered approach, how can we make sure it will be helpful for our design processes?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When I saw Auernhammer’s paper on human-centered AI, at first I assumed it is about how we can use it in human-centered design processes. Then, I noticed that we need to figure it out why we need AI in the design process and how we can have its useful version.

Few situations that AI can be useful in HCD:

  • to make sure we considered enough factors for our research,
  • to provide inclusivity in our participatory design, or identify the correct groups to include in the design process,
  • to address use scenarios of different systems in terms of ethical and societal issues as well as technical ones.
  • to test systems by creating various types of nudges and hooks.

Check this table to see how AI and different approaches nurture each other:



Zeynep Aykul Yavuz

Learning Designer and Ph.D. Candidate in Learning Sciences; almost a social scientist with touch of engineering and design.